Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Beginning of a Dialogue

Very interesting Tom. Where is the property? It is just northeast of Kansas City, chosen because of the Universities nearby, a second tier city that has a good airport, enough water to be sustainable, an economy that has some diversity and small, but steady growth. it appears to be very rural. This is a great topic for continued discussion that I want to open up to a much larger group. Does a sustainable community mean "urban" or in an urban area? How does that relate to the opportunity to grow wood for construction, to plant crops for food to reduce vehicle miles, to provide open space in direct connection to the population, to enhance an appreciation for natural areas? Is there an urban centre nearby? Will you be posting specific challenges to your blog readers? Ie. what/how would YOU add one element to my list of goals? I am hoping that the challenges can go both ways. What of my vision is weak? are there areas to improve?, how can we push the envelop in design and construction/ Or in your area of expertise, provide one example of a successful implementation of sustainable community design that might support my goal. This one I really like.

Are you envisioning involvements from schools (university, college, high school or even elementary?) at some level? I am hoping to provide a teaching opportunity for all groups and specifically hoping to host landscape architecture and architecture programs that might dream up ideas one session and build demonstrations in another.

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