Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My original vision

Center for
Design Inspiration and Education

Vision: to create a sustainable, low impact center for private or public gatherings for learning, inspiration or cultural activities

Goal: to teach, to learn, to touch all parts of our company, to experiment, test, build

The Architecture
Efficient, multi-functional spaces for groups of all sizes
Comfortable and inviting to everyone
Open to nature/connection to the outdoor environment and rooms
Community room as heart, as an educational space
On-site expandable sleeping for large or small groups
Kitchen as a place of gathering and education
Fireplace and hearth as focal point and intimate gathering spot (the camp fire)
Modern conveniences/ not primitive
Technology to anywhere in the world
Reused/recycled materials for building-local buildings, barns, etc.
Use of on-site, indigenous materials-wood, water (process from harvest to mill to kiln to finished wood
Renewable energy resources and energy efficient-solar, wind, geothermal
Multiple program elements-writing, retreat, art studio, charrette center with client, nature
Retreat, innovation classroom-build bio-swales and watch them work, workshop
Hands on experience-go and build it
Innovative sewage treatment thru wetlands, and use of captured rainwater in building systems (cistern)
Create opportunity for expansion and growth of facility
LEED certified

The Site and Landscape
Natural/ low impact-buildings land softly on the site
Community garden/community orchard
Restore native landscape as part of site amenity
Compost to replenish soil
Reuse of water for buildings, landscape and gardens-grey water and rain water
Zero runoff
Native plantings to reduce building energy consumption and carbon footprint
Hardwood planting and harvesting for site materials and furnishings
Trails, overlooks and gathering spaces for outdoor education
Discovery/ art in nature- an inspirational and contemplative landscape
Biofuel-crop harvesting for ethanol production
Minimal grading

The Economics and Benefits
Win/win strategy
Reduced site impacts and energy consumption
Opportunity for school and public group use
Opportunity for DTJ and staff use
Reduced cost-“sweat equity” users’ work at the center as part of the experience-
Rural Studio example-Proceed and Be Bold
Education for all DTJ and others
Document the process-book/ publishing opportunity
Creative Discovery with regional and national acclaim

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